Welcome to Wagerbot

your go-to platform for accurate predictions across various markets, including Azuro, Polymarkets and more!

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Navigating the predictions right within your telegram app

Join us on our journey to transform the predictions landscape with cutting-edge telegram bot solutions to participate across various platforms

Instant wallet creation

Set up a multi-chain wallet within a few seconds

Instant Transactions

Experience the convenience of near-instantaneous transactions, allowing you to participate in verious prediction markets in real-time, eliminating delays.

Multi-Currency Support

Access a diverse range of cryptocurrencies in one unified platform, enabling you to explore and manage various digital assets effortlessly.

Unleash the potential of Prediction markets

Our cutting-edge Telegram bot utilizes advanced algorithms and real-time data analysis to provide you with insightful predictions and market trends.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or just getting started, Wagerbot is here to help you make informed decisions

  • Multi-Market Predictions

    Wagetbot covers a diverse range of markets, including Azuro, Polymarkets, and more. Stay ahead of the game by receiving predictions for various assets and markets.
  • Real-Time Updates

    Our bot ensures you are always up-to-date with the latest market movements. Receive instant notifications and updates directly on your Telegram app, keeping you informed about crucial market events.
  • Accurate Analysis

    Wagerbot employs sophisticated algorithms and data analysis techniques to provide accurate predictions. Trust our bot to deliver reliable insights to guide your investment decisions.
  • User-Friendly Interface:

    Our Telegram bot is designed with simplicity in mind. Access predictions, market data, and other features effortlessly, making it easy for both beginners and experienced traders to use.
  • Customizable Alerts:

    Tailor your experience by setting up personalized alerts based on your preferences. Receive notifications for specific markets, price movements, or any other criteria you find important.
  • Community Insights:

    Connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share insights and strategies. Learn from others, exchange ideas, and enhance your understanding of the markets.
  • Community Forum

    Connect with like-minded crypto enthusiasts, share insights, and participate in discussions within our community forum, fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration.
  • Fee discount

    Get a discount in protocol fee only when you win.

Earn Revenues from Trading token, Volume and Participation

1. Bot revenues

2. Trading revenues

3. Affiliate revenues

Earn on all bets places, $WGR trades, and total volume from Azuro markets, Polymarkets and beyond


30% of Revenue is used to buy back and burn $WGR

Reducing the Liquidity, thereby making the token highly deflationary

15% of revenue will be used to add to the Liquidity Pool.

25% of revenue will be used for the Active User Program

Wagerbot is a leading decentralised sports betting project, owned and operated by its users. Streamlining the betting experience to be effective, intuitive, and rewarding

Tax, Buy and Burn

Own the Action

The more volume we generate, revenue will be used for buying back and burning the supply

Yield Generation

Be the House, Reap the Rewards.

Participate in the Wagerbot's Uniswap liquidity pool and earn yield on your holdings.

Referral Incentives

Share the Wealth

Generate revenues from the multiple sources, such as Affiliate, bot and trading revenues